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Even the most seemingly mundane skills can be used to our advantage and may even be just the thing that sets us apart from others. Check out this episode of One a Positive Note to learn more. OFFER Become an official member of Hashtag Positivity and gain access to valuable resources for your growth and development, including the exclusive members only Hashtag Positivity Podcast! Join now at CONNECT WITH THE SHOW Email: [email protected] Website: TIMESTAMPS 00:16 Joke about a security guard 00:33 Insight about valuable skills 01:18 Positive news story about using valuable skills to help other 02:33 Insight about kindness 03:12 Reflection questions 03:29 Wrap up LINKS & REFERENCES Corbley, M. (2020, July 7). Supermarket security guard is going viral for holding an umbrella over dog standing in the rain. Retrieved from HOST Jonas Cain is a Learning Experience Designer and Facilitator of Fascination for Hashtag Positivity, an educational company that helps emerging leaders and their influencers initiate and manage positive change for personal and professional growth. MUSIC “Safety Net” by Riot “Lightning Bugs” by Geographer “A Quiet Thought” by Wayne Jones TAGS Positivity, Inspiration, Social-Emotional Skills, Mindset, Purpose, Relationships, Emotional Intelligence, Psychological Capital, Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation, Motivation, Empathy, SocialSkills, Hope, Efficacy, Resilience, Optimism, On a Positive Note, Positive News Stories, Some Good News Transcript
Hi everyone! Jonas Cain here with Hashtag Positivity, and welcome to On a Positive Note, the podcast that offers hope through positive stories, practical insights, and even a little levity.
JOKE And on that note it brings us to today’s joke about a man applying for a job as a security guard. He spent twelve hours in the waiting room waiting for the interview before someone finally came in and announced: “You’re hired! INSIGHT Even though this is just a joke, it does point to the truth, because even the most seemingly mundane skills can be used to our advantage and may even be just the thing that sets us apart from others. After all, the patience to stand around a waiting room all day is just the kind of patience that a competent security guard needs in order to effectively do the job. So the next time you’re feeling unsure of yourself, take stock of what you do well, because even your most seemingly mundane skill may be just the thing that sets you apart from the rest. STORY And on that note it brings us to today’s positive news story that comes to us from Giffnock Scotland, where a security guard is being hailed as an “everyday hero.” 23-year old Ethan Dearman works security at Morrison’s grocery store and one day he was patrolling the parking lot when it started to rain. Dearman observed that there was a dog tied up in front of the store and without missing a beat he ran into the store for an umbrella and then stood in the rain holding the umbrella over the dog’s head. This touching moment was caught on camera by Twitter user Mel Gracie, who promptly shared the sweet moment for others to be inspired by, and it has since generated thousands of responses applauding the security guard’s gift of kindness. When asked about the experience, Dearman replied that he likes to keep an eye out for dogs, adding, and “You never know how dogs feels about the rain.” INSIGHT There’s a lot that we can learn from this touching story of a man who didn’t think twice before jumping into action to help. It’s easy to get wrapped up in your work and your own concerns that you forget about how others are dealing with life events. Yet, it truly doesn’t take much to show others that you care, to show them that they matter and that someone is thinking of them. Demonstrating kindness can be as simple and mundane as holding an umbrella; and who knows, such and act may be just the thing that sets you apart from the rest. REFLECTION What skills do you have? And what can you do to use these skills to help make your community a better place? WRAP-UP I hope that you’ve enjoyed today’s episode, and I encourage you to leave a rating and subscribe to the podcast, as that’s truly the best way to let others know about this positive resource. If you have any comments or stories that you’d like to share with our listeners, you can send an email to me directly at [email protected]. And that email is also listed in the description of today’s episode. Until next time, my name is Jonas Cain and this has been another episode of On a Positive Note. |
HostJonas Cain is a Learning Experience Designer and Facilitator of Fascination for Hashtag Positivity, a social entrepreneurship providing social emotional knowledge, skills, and resources to help emerging leaders and their influencers experience greater clarity, confidence, courage, and joy in their life, work, and relationships. Archives
January 2022